Tuesday 24 July 2012

5 Reasons Why I Adore Revoltech Bumblebee

I've been purchasing Revoltech since 2006. Sometimes, there will be one toy that comes along and make you feel really excited.  Bumblebee is one of them. Why do I adore it? Here are the reasons :

1. Four Fingers!
Something about Bumblebee's stubby fingers makes him look as if he is ready for any form of grappling. Love it! Makes him very poseable with these digits.

2. Attention to Detail
Look at the amount of engine detail on that plastic.

Seeing it in real life makes it all the more rewarding.

3. Hand-gun
The character design made sure that the hand blaster was slightly larger than normal to make it look more formidable. Great! Too bad the movie was a piece of cow dung.


..does one...

....spell the...

...transforming noise?!
4. Transparent Door Windows
They could have painted it white, but they kept it true to form. 

5. Chicken Feet Syndrome
The feet opens up wide like a chicken. The movable toe increases the the angle and center of gravity of the figure. Nice touch.

5.1. Shoulder Missiles(?)
Wanted to highlight another feature, but I am not sure if those guns shoots out missiles. I did not pay much attention during the movie. -_-"
Without shoulder missiles.
With shoulder missiles.


the figure is not without its fault. Bumblebee prefers to wobble at the waist region as the legs are too chunky and clunky. 

Also, it does not come with a stand. Without a stand you can make do with a few good poses but like any other figures, he should look better jumping away with a stand.

Despite the minor shortcomings, this is by far one of my favourite Revoltech.

Revoltech No.123 Monster Hunter Leus

I am getting very excited over this revoltech. Judging by how similar it looks to the Basara samurai series, this one should be very good.

Due September 2012

6 Things about Revoltech Batman

The Dark Knight has risen again. I would presume more people would be wanting a piece of Batman to play around with. Release on July 2010, this piece of Revoltech is still a pretty nifty figure under the right lighting.

1. Bat-gun

Holstered side

Holstered front

I love the look of this gun. The colourization just fits into the blandness of the Bat-suit.

2. Cape is Heavy
The side capes is able to flap outwards rigidly, but its quite hideous with 2 gaps in between.

That's much better!
Single joint
The cape is too heavy for a single revoltech joint to hold. Unless you angle the stand in a way, the cape will fall downwards almost always. Also, the cape feels like hard and plactic-ky. I do not like the way it poses. I wish it was more flowing like Vash the Stampede Revoltech.

3.It comes with a Stand

This may not mean much, but for a Sci-fi Revoltech figurine to come with a stand is unexpected. This just tell you how much Batman wants to NOT stand.

4. Matte Bat-suit
Under normal lighting, makes me matte!
Dust collector +1

I know it follows the movie, but I do not like it. Scars easily and collects dust easily.

5.Coloured Bat-sole

This was unexpected! I love it!

6. Opening Up a Can of Bat-ass

Works well when you want to pose the legs backwards, but on its own, BAT-FART ULTIMATE!!


It comes with all these parts.

The cape looks great when folded together.

Get me NOW!